Although probiotics are a huge benefit to your digestive health, what about all the information we hear about fiber? Today we have the media marketing fiber products as grains and bran that purport to scrub the colon. The market is saturated with dis-solvable fiber powders and bulking agents. With all this information on TV the radio and in magazines it leaves us with questions such as, What is fiber and how can we get more of it?
Dietary fiber is a necessity for healthy digestion. It can be found in fruits, veggies, seeds and grains. Although the media advertises that grains and bran is all we need to receive adequate amounts of fiber for, this approach won’t support a healthy colon. What many people fail to realize is that there are many different types of fiber.

In addition to the rough outer husk of a seed or grain, fruits and vegetables have a much higher concentration of soluble fiber. These so called pectins and gums serve as food for the probiotics found in your digestive tract resulting in the multiplication of good bacteria that produce all sorts of life sustaining bacteria. At the end of the day this is something no “sawdust” can do. Despite what the media is pushing and what the markets have on the shelves there is no better what to receive the adequate amount of dietary fiber than with a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and grains to help keep your colon clean and your digestive tract happy. To continue to better your digestive health, don’t forget to tune in next week for yet another Health tip!