What is an AcuFocus treatment?
Our AcuFocus service is a short acupuncture session focused on pain in a single problem area. While a comprehensive session is often recommended for best results, at times a shorter session can be effective. Because many conditions require frequent treatment, a shorter session can reduce the cost of a course of treatment and make it easier to fit an acupuncture session into a busy schedule. An AcuFocus treatment is about half the cost of a full body session.
How much time does a treatment take?
Typically you can expect to be in and out in about an hour. However, the Chinese medicine philosophy treats in accordance with an individual’s condition. Though the popular convention is for everyone to have the needles left in for 25 minutes, some people may need the needles left in for 10 minutes while others are better off with them left in for 40 minutes. It all depends on the patient and the condition being treated.